This BLOG might be helpful for oracle application beginners and technical developers. The BLOG post’s screen shots & source codes may distinguish from versions. If the code/steps fail please check with oracle guides or meta-links.
Friday, April 4, 2014
How to find the locked tables in Oracle?
Execute this Query
SELECT owner,
oracle_username || ' (' || vs.status || ')' ora_user,
os_user_name os_user,
machine SYSTEM,
vlo.process unix,
'''' || vs.SID || ',' || vs.serial# || '''' sid_serial,
vr.NAME roll_name,
TO_CHAR (vs.logon_time, 'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS') TIME
FROM v$locked_object vlo,
dba_objects doj,
v$session vs,
v$transaction vt,
v$rollname vr
WHERE vlo.object_id = doj.object_id
AND vs.SID = vlo.session_id
AND vs.taddr = vt.addr
AND vt.xidusn = vr.usn
ORDER BY os_user,
* Pass / Add condition for Object (Table) Name If required.
How to kill a particular session?
ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION 'v$session.sid,v$session.serial';